Gandhi Brigade Youth Media is a pioneering afterschool program that empowers young people in the Washington, D.C., region to use multimedia as tools to promote community building, multicultural understanding, and the common good.
Gandhi Brigade Youth Media was founded by Richard Jaeggi in 2008 as a way to foster youth perspectives. The organization began holding workshops in the Christ Congregational Church in Silver Spring and eventually moved into City Place Mall, where members of the community, young and old, would participate in learning activities and events. Jaeggi passed away in May 2014.
For Gandhi Brigade, media arts serve as a developmental path for personal and community growth. Students learn how to create effective media messages and investigate the world around them, applying these new skills and abilities toward practical projects that foster dialogue, self-discovery, and understanding.
Participating Members
AnNoor Alsulaihat
Alyssa Berrios
Evan Glass
Merry Hailegeorgies
Anne-Marie Hainer
Melvin Hodges
Gabe Hoekman
Verite Igiraneza
Sophia Lucarelli
Juliet Marshall
Carlos Salgado
Alix Swann
Pacifique Vyizigiro
At the 2017 Folklife Festival, Gandhi Brigade Youth Media used the Mixing Room to document performances and dialogue with the public.