Fugees Family, Inc. is a nonprofit organization devoted to working with child survivors of war. The organization empowers refugees to integrate successfully into their new country by providing them the support and structure they need to realize their vast potential.
In 2004, Coach Luma Mufleh started a Fugees team to provide refugee boys with free access to organized soccer. Since then, the organization has grown to include year-round soccer for boys and girls, after-school tutoring, an academic enrichment summer camp, and the Fugees Academy—the nation’s only school dedicated to refugee education. The school has received Southern Association of Independent Schools and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation, blending creative teaching with academic fundamentals, interwoven with leadership and character building.
At the 2017 Folklife Festival, the Fugees Family presented “Active Morning” soccer drills and scrimmages on the National Mall and engaging in discussions in the Story Circle.