UniverSoul Circus is a combination of circus arts, theater, music, and audience interaction that embraces and celebrates urban pop culture from around the world. Since its inception in 1994, UniverSoul has evolved into an amazing spectacle pushing the limits of imagination with daring and innovative performances featuring diverse blends of performers from virtually every continent.
UniverSoul has come full circle in its influence in the international entertainment marketplace, garnering the sterling reputation of a one-of-a-kind, unpredictable, immersive experience that takes audiences on unforgettable journeys.

“The circus always will reflect our humanity, strength, commonality, and resilience,” founder and CEO Cedric Walker believes. “Since the creation of modern circus more than 200 years ago, the circus remains relevant to today’s society. The circus has remained relevant to audiences for so long because it has continuously evolved with changing times. People will always attempt to push the limits of what’s possible, and UniverSoul Circus will always serve as the stage where such dreams are realized.”
At the 2017 Folklife Festival, UniverSoul captured and connected the hearts and imaginations of a new generation of diverse circus artists and audiences alike.