Ana Veydó Ordóñez, the only woman in Grupo Cimarrón, prefers singing the hard-edged golpe recio, claiming her place in this male-driven, robust, coarse style of singing.
Photo by Daniel Sheehy, Smithsonian Institution
The joropo dance from the plains of Colombia boasts elaborate footwork to the rhythm of the small four-stringed cuatro guitar. Ana Veydó Ordóñez steps quickly to her partner's rhythmic stomp.
Photo by Daniel Sheehy, Smithsonian Institution
With Grupo Cimarrón, Carlos Rojas Hernández brings together an all-star team of instrumentalists and singers from Colombia. These masters of the joropo llanero tradition, which is practiced along the plains shared by Colombia and Venezuela, astonish their audiences with their melodic and rhythmic virtuosity, percussive drive, and sabor colombiano, or Colombian flavor.

- Carlos Rojas Hernández, director, arpa llanera
- Freyman Rolando Cárdenas Pulido, percussion, dancer, vocals
- Carlos Andrés Cedeño Delgado, bass
- Darwin Rafael Medina Fonseca, cuatro
- Luis Eduardo Moreno Rojas, vocals
- Ferney Rojas Cabezas, bandola llanera
- Óscar José Oviedo Osorio, percussion, dancer
- Ana Veydó Ordóñez, vocals, dancer