Jhon Jairo Amortegui Piña drives while Leonel de Jesús de Loaiza Muñoz rides on top of the yipao.
Photo by Amy Vaughters, Smithsonian Institution
Jhon Jairo Amortegui Piña demonstrates a yipao home moving in the center plot on the National Mall.
Photo by Cristina Díaz-Carrera, Smithsonian Institution
Jhon Jairo Amortegui Piña.
Photo courtesy of Embassy of Colombia in Washington, D.C.
Jhon Jairo Amortegui Piña and Leonel de Jesús de Loaiza Muñoz converse near the yipao.
Photo by Amy Vaughters, Smithsonian Institution
Jhon Jairo Amortegui Piña loads his yipao for the day with items typically taken when moving homes.
Photo by JB Weilapp, Smithsonian Institution
Jhon Jairo Amortegui Piña loads sacks of coffee onto the back of the yipao.
Photo by Walter Larrimore
Jhon Jairo Amortegui Piña stands up in his yipao while presenters Ingrid Frederick Obrigón and Maria Angélica Rodríguez ride on top of the coffee sacks.
Photo by Nora Simon, Smithsonian Institution
Jhon Jairo “Guama” Amortegui is one of the most recognized yiperos of the Coffee Triangle. He drives the Willys Jeep model 54 and is well known for his tricks in competitions. He learned his tricks and how to drive from his father, and he has devoted his life to transporting coffee, bananas, households, and even people in his jeep.
"The jeep is in your blood, just as much as your family. You learn to love your Willys jeep like you love your own brother."