Edinson Dario Vanegas Amaya and Johanna Palacios Ruiz strike their final pose of the festival.
Photo by Samantha Hawkins, Smithsonian Institution
Tango de Medellín dance during their final festival performance.
Photo by Samantha Hawkins, Smithsonian Institution
Edinson Dario Vanegas Amaya lifts Johanna Palacios Ruiz into the air during a tango performance.
Photo by Samantha Hawkins, Smithsonian Institution
Edinson Dario Vanegas Amaya and Johanna Palacios Ruiz demonstrate Medellín-style tango dancing.
Photo by Michelle Arbeit, Smithsonian Institution
Johanna Palacios and Edinson Vanegas grew up in the tango-dancing environment of the Manrique neighborhood in Medellín. They teach tango to people of all ages for entertainment and as an alternative activity to counteract the violence in the city.
- Johanna Palacios Ruiz
- Edinson Dario Vanegas Amaya