Don Abundio y sus Traviesos demonstrates their musical talent in the ¡Viva el Carnaval! tent.
Photo by Francisco Guerra, Smithsonian Institution
Don Abundio y sus Traviesos performs the Dance of the Pilandera in which they dress as women.
Photo by Walter Larrimore, Smithsonian Institution
Members of Don Abundio y sus Traviesos demonstrate the Dance of the Pilandera.
Photo by Francisco Guerra, Smithsonian Institution
Musicians from Don Abundio y sus Traviesos follow the group during a Carnival procession demonstration.
Photo by Francisco Guerra, Smithsonian Institution
Members of Don Abundio y sus Traviesos bow after a performance of the Dance of the Pilandera.
Photo by Francisco Guerra, Smithsonian Institution
Don Abundio y sus Traviesos performs on the Al Son Que Me Toquen stage.
Photo by Francisco Guerra, Smithsonian Institution
Damaris Sayas Gómez, of Don Abundio y sus Traviesos, leads the audience in a dance workshop.
Photo by Francisco Guerra, Smithsonian Institution
Audience members follow Damaris Sayas Gomez’s lead in dancing to the music of Don Abundio y sus Traviesos.
Photo by Francisco Guerra, Smithsonian Institution
Damaris Sayas Gomez dances with Samuel Marmol Villa, better known as Don Abundio, on the Al Son Que Me Toquen stage.
Photo by Joe Furgal, Smithsonian Institution
Don Abundio y sus Traviesos is an ensemble that plays tambora guacherna, chandé, and berroche rhythms. The musicians play tamboras, flauta de millo (cane flute), and guache (a rasp-like percussion instrument), and they are accompanied by a vocalist and dancers. Their repertoire includes aires and traditional carnival dances. Don Abundio learned to perform the carnivalesque enactments of farotas, pilanderas, and rezanderas (represented as the Dance of the Bulls, Alligators, and the Caimán Man), which reflect the natural habitat. He and his group perform at local events and participate in the Carnival de Barranquilla every year.
- Samuel Mármol Villa, director, singer, dancer,
instrument maker - Gustavo Cantillo Áviles, dancer
- Dania Felizzola Morales, musician (gaita macho,
guache), dancer - Jaison Mármol Ruidiaz, musician (tambor alegre)
- Samuel Mármol Ruidiaz, musician (cane flute, guache, tambor alegre), dancer
- Yaniz Mármol Ruidiaz, llamador, musician (guache), dancer
- Jorge Enrique Montes Villa, musician (tambora), dancer
- Julio César Ortíz Madrid, dancer
- Neil Palomino Trespalacios, dancer
- Pedro Germán Rodríguez Arrieta, dancer
- Damaris Sayas Gómez, singer
- Gustavo del Cristo Vergara Alvarado, musician (tambora)