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  • Day One: Top 10 Photos


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    Welcome to the 2018 Smithsonian Folklife Festival!

    Our programs opened up at the same time as the sky—despite heavy rain this morning, visitors came to enjoy the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of Armenia and Catalonia. In the Marketplace, the Crafts of African Fashion kicked off among craft and food displays and curious shoppers. The participants are eager to share their skills, songs, recipes, and dance moves over the next two weeks.

    Tomorrow, the Festival will start early at 10 a.m. with pomp, circumstance, and our Opening Ceremony in the Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building. You can also attend Cultural Diplomacy with Two Ambassadors at Armenia’s Hyurasenyak Stage to hear more about the relationships built between nations. Make your own natural remedies with Catalan herbalist Eva Rosich, and enjoy some Armenian folk-jazz from Samvel Galstian and Vardan Ovsepian. If you like sweet treats, you can learn how to make pakhlava, a dessert with flaky layers of dough and chopped nuts.

    Stick around for our first evening concert of the year, Yacine & The Oriental Groove and PANALÎ, presenting North African music with a Catalan twist and avant-garde folk from Armenia. The concert starts at 6:30 p.m. Bring a blanket, spread out a picnic, and enjoy summer on the National Mall!

    Elisa Hough is the editor for the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, and Rachel Barton is the media intern for the 2018 Folklife Festival. Together they are Team Festival Blog.

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