Ukrainian dances, and mountain bike demos, and Sikh music, oh my!
On the penultimate day of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, visitors celebrated with live music, crafts across traditions, and an Ozarks x Folkways concert. We opened the day with Morning on the Mall, a sensory-friendly program for families managed by Access Smithsonian, and we closed out the night with a Community Square Dance—and lots of fun events in between. Throughout the day, visitors tried their hands at Kazakh crafts, took in the sounds of the Ozarks, and got to see a traditional whole-hog butchering.
How did you spend your Saturday at the Festival? Share your own photos on social media with #2023Folklife.
We’re expecting wet weather on Sunday, so be sure to check our online schedule before you head here in case the Festival moves indoors. Rain or shine, we hope to see you all tomorrow to close out the 2023 Festival!
Penny Benak, Grace Bowie, Elisa Hough, and Daniel Zhang are the mighty media team for the Folklife Festival.
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