Poetry on the Move:
Be Inspired and Inspire

Editor’s note: Split This Rock is a poetry collective in Washington, D.C., dedicated to social justice and community engagement. They will participate in On the Move: Migration and Immigration Today at the 2016 Folklife Festival on July 4, and they have submitted to us this invitation for responses to their work.
Hello fellow poets,
We are honored here at Split This Rock to work with the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Our goal as an organization is to call poets to a greater role in public life and foster a national network of socially engaged poets. The focus of our presentation at the Festival will be poems about or inspired by immigration.
We invite you to read these poems collected from our online poetry database, pen your response (prose or poetry), and join us in the On the Move tent on July 4 at 2 p.m. We will read as many poems as we have time for and hopefully spark a lively dialogue.
This guest post was written Joseph Green, youth programs coordinator for Split This Rock. Poems can be sent in advance to Joseph at joseph@splitthisrock.org, or tweet #PoemsOTM.