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  • Cooking with Creativity: Basque Tradition and Innovation in Food

    Traditional food tells a sensory history of Basque country that is unique and integral to the culture. Family recipes are persevered and passed down through the generations. In true “Innovation by Culture” fashion, two Basque chefs, Igor Ozamiz Goiriena and Igor Cantabrana, balance traditional recipes with inventive techniques in gastronomy.

    During the 2016 Folklife Festival, they took the stage at the Ostatua Kitchen to give visitors a glimpse into Basque food traditions and innovations through their cooking demonstrations. Igor and Igor both began their culinary careers at the age of twenty and are currently chefs at the culinary institute Escuela Superior de Hostelería in Bilbao.

    Camera: Pruitt Allen, David Barnes, Deric Brown, Andrea Curran, Joshua Davis, Gary Francis, Caleb Hamilton, Helen Lehrer, Alexis Ligon, W.N. McNair, Michelle Mehrtens, Claudia Romano, Lillian Schneyer, Ryan Shank, Albert Tong, Jacob Weber, Paul Weiss, Kamila Young
    Field audio: Jacob Weber
    Producer and editor: Ryan Shank

    Ryan Shank is a video production intern for the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. He studies telecommunications and history at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.

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