Festival Photo Daily Dozen: June 28, 2013
Day 3–Festival staff, volunteers, interns, participants, and visitors are a hardy and dedicated bunch. Nimbly avoiding puddles, mud patches, and the heavy runoff of rain from the tent sides, a large and appreciative audience braved the storm to see performances by The Seldom Scene, who were featured at the Rinzler Memorial Concert, and Los Masis, who were presented on the Voices of the World stage.
These photos highlight activities from some of the day’s drier moments.
Click on images to enlarge and view captions.

The Seldom Scene perform at the annual Rinzler Memorial Concert.
Photo by Pruitt Allen, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives
In the Hungary program, a participant's hair is braided as the final touch to her presentation of traditional dress.
Photo by Karen Kasmauski, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives
Tibor Gáts, an instrument maker specializing in zithers and gardons, talks about his craft in the Hungarian Heritage program.
Photo by Maggie Pelta-Pauls, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives
Festival visitors join participants in the Hungarian Dance Barn.
Photo by Karen Kasmauski, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives
Women take the dance floor of the Danubia stage in the Hungarian Heritage program.
Photo by Willa Friedman, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives
Urban Artistry, a D.C.-based dance collective, performs on the Will to Adorn "Rock the Runway" stage.
Photo by Michelle Arbeit, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives
Urban Artistry, a D.C.-based dance collective, performs on the Will to Adorn "Rock the Runway" stage.
Photo by Michelle Arbeit, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives
Urban Artistry, a D.C.-based dance collective, performs on the Will to Adorn "Rock the Runway" stage.
Photo by Michelle Arbeit, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives
Urban Artistry, a D.C.-based dance collective, performs on the Will to Adorn "Rock the Runway" stage.
Photo by Michelle Arbeit, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives
Koro participants in the One World, Many Voices program construct a spirit house.
Photo by Maggie Pelta-Pauls, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives
Conrad Nolberto of Libaya Baba (Garifuna drumming and dance group) in the One World, Many Voices program.
Photo by Maggie Pelta-Pauls, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives
Los Masis: Quechua Music from Bolivia.
Photo by Maggie Pelta-Pauls, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives