Designing the Festival: Interview with Josue Castilleja
Over the past few months, Folklife Festival senior graphic designer Josue Castilleja met with curatorial teams to conceptually walk through the Festival in order to create "event markers" to lend the Festival its directional and organizational cohesion. “This year’s visuals are fantastic. Each design was created in close collaboration with Festival curators, participants, and program partners,” stated Mr. Castilleja.
“Festival colors and concepts were carefully deliberated upon and chosen. For instance, the Peace Corps design contains a single gold laurel branch and a deep blue design to mirror the Peace Corps’ fiftieth anniversary logo design.”
Hatching design concepts, integrating graphics, fine tuning color intensities, sizing proportions, and designing markers that will stand out in the sun is a process that began in November of last year. “This is really exciting work because it is a truly collaborative effort reflecting the essence of the Rhythm and Blues, Peace Corps, and Colombia programs. I am proud to present our designs on the National Mall to be seen by national and international audiences. I hope they will help our guests feel and remember the spirit of the Festival.”

2011 Festival design.Photo courtesy of Josue Castilleja
Colombia event marker.Photo courtesy of Josue Castilleja
R&B event marker.Photo courtesy of Josue Castilleja
Peace Corps event marker.Photo courtesy of Josue Castillejag
Peace Corps curator discusses layout with Senior Designer Josue Castilleja.Photo by and courtesy of Van Luong
Peace Corps curator discusses layout with Senior Designer Josue Castilleja.Photo by and courtesy of Van Luong
Van Luong is the festival blogger for the 2011 Folklife Festival.