Pan de Bono: Colombian Cheese Bread

Pan de Bono ingredients
Recipe for Pan de Bono by Jaime Otero Llanos.
- 1 lb yuca starch
- 1.5 lb dry cheese (queso duro)
- 1/2 lb white corn flour
- 1/2 lb butter
- 1 cup milk

Pan de Bono ready to bake at a demonstration on the National Mall.
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Grate cheese and mix with yuca starch, corn flour, butter. Add milk as slowly as necessary to obtain doughy texture.
- Roll out a lime-size amount of dough into a doughnut shape.
- Lay the doughnuts an inch apart on a pan and bake for 20 minutes.
- Let cool and enjoy with coffee!
Carolina Restrepo is a program intern for the Columbia program at the 2011 Folklife Festival.