Colombian Empanadas Caleñas Recipe

Photo by Van Luong
Recipe by Jaime Otero Llanos
- 6 lb white hominy corn
- Salt
- 1/2 lb pork
- 1/2 lb beef
- 1/2 lb white potatoes
- 1/4 lb yellow potatoes
- 1/4 lb onions
- 1/2 lb scallions
- 1/2 lb tomatoes
- 2 garlic gloves
- Pepper, azafran, cumin, and salt to taste
- Let corn soak in water for 30 minutes and then cook until the corn is soft.
- Remove the pot from the heat and let the corn cool.
- Grind the corn.
- Add salt to taste.
- Knead the dough until it is soft.
- Finely dice all ingredients and place in a pot to cook in water.
- Add a tablespoon of hogao to marinate.
- When water has evaporated lower temperature and allow to cook until meats are soft and potatoes have dissolved.
- Let cool.
- Finely dice all ingredients.
- Add pepper, salt, and cumin to taste.
- Add azafran to give a yellow-orange color.
Putting it together:
- When meats and potatoes are ready, mix with hogao.
- Take a walnut size amount of the dough and flatten to create a circle.
- Place a 1/2 teaspoon amount of the stuffing onto the dough.
- Fold the dough over to create a turnover.
- Firmly press down along the edges.
- Place on skillet and fry until golden brown.

Empanada fillingPhoto by Van Luong
Jamie and the dough mixture.Photo by Van Luong
Jamie showing visitors what the dough's consistency should feel like.Photo by Van Luong
Jamie demonstrating how to press the empanada wrap.Photo by Van Luong
Jamie demonstrating how to press the empanada wrap.Photo by Van Luong
Jamie frying empanadas while another demonstrator wraps.Photo by Van Luong
Wrapped empanada.Photo by Van Luong
The audience comes up to the demonstration kitchen.Photo by Van Luong
Fried empanada.Photo by Van Luong
Carolina Restrepo is a program intern for the Columbia program at the 2011 Folklife Festival.