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  • Story Circle: Cultural Diplomacy for a Post-COVID World

    When: May 22, 2020
    Where: Streaming online
    Category: Narrative Session
    Accessibility: Real-time captioning available

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    “I often think that when we say ‘cultural diplomacy,’ we’re really talking about culture as diplomacy. Culture as connection.” —Rachel Cooper

    In this Story Circle discussion, four women leaders explore the power of cultural diplomacy, how it adapts to the situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, and what positive changes it can have in building a post-COVID world.

    The conversation features Dana Al Marashi, head of cultural diplomacy at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Washington, D.C.; Rachel Cooper, director of Global Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives at Asia Society New York; and Linda Zachrison, cultural counselor at the Embassy of Sweden in Washington. Aviva Rosenthal, director of the Smithsonian Office of International Relations, moderates the talk.

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